Dr. Lori Howes, Chiropractor

Chiropractic Health Centre in Sutton, Ontario

Dr. Howes graduated from the Canadian Memorial Chiropractic College in Toronto after completing a 4 year undergraduate program in Kinesiology at York University to enter the field of Chiropractic Health Care. She has been practicing Chiropractic care for 9 years now and can truly attest to the tremendous healing power chiropractic has when compared to traditional medicine.

Lori currently resides in Sutton, Ontario by the beautiful shores of Lake Simcoe where she runs a full service Chiropractic Health Centre offering family as well as personalized Chiropractic Care, Acupuncture, Laser Therapy, Sports Injury Care in addition to custom Orthotics. No assembly lines here, each patient receives only the most professional, individualized attention they deserve!

Dr. Howes truly believes in living better through the power of preventative chiropractic care. The mindset that a pill can fix all is simply not true and in may cases can lead to an unhealthy lifestyle.

Dr. Howes would like to invite anyone interested in finding out more about how Chiropractic Care, Acupuncture, Laser Therapy or Custom Orthotics can help them to live a better life today to give her a call or connect in by email.

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